Sunday, August 16, 2015

How This Trip was Possible

       How is this trip even possible? I travelled a ton for work. On Monday by 6 am I was on an airplane and every Thursday I was coming back to Nashville, TN. I got to see some cool places, Salt Lake City, Utah and San Antonio, Texas. I also spent about 8 month is Atlanta, Ga and for the majority of that time I would drive down from Nashville, TN. I then got Malibu, CA which I ws really excited about because I love Cali and my cousin and his wife lived close by to where I would be working. Luckily, Delta and Southwest had early morning flights to LAX.

Atlanta, Ga at a Braves Game with my friend Kristina
              Joshua's Tree with my cousin and friends   

      One of my coworkers told me about Delta offering an around the world trip for 180,000 points. My Mom and I were going to Italy for the first time that Thanksgiving and were flying Delta so I started to get excited that I would be able to make the point limit. You could fly first class around the world for 280,000 points.

Mom and I in Florence

After getting blessed by the Pope

I love art

      Sadly, I will not be flying first class. I'll have to settle for my libations being served in plastic. I think I'll be able to manage, fingers crossed. By the time I was done with my work in California I had 188,000 miles. Hello, Around the World Trip!